Pearls of wisdom I receive by going within and asking.


Drop the Story

If I am holding a thought that hurts me, drop it, That’s All, as I would if I were holding a hot coal in my hand. It’s only a story that would tell me it’s not that simple. Over!



The Intelligence of Existence is taking care of my every need.
My job is to relax, let go, trust, and be grateful. That’s All! Over!

About Me

My photo
Sausalito, California, United States
My purpose and vision is to live an authentically responsible life in alignment with my True Self, joyfully expressing my creative nature, nurturing and fostering a heart alive with wonder and awe. Meditation, tai chi, self-inquiry, reflection, therapy, and an extensive reading of Western psychology and Eastern spirituality, have helped me to develop a serious commitment to living in the moment in peace and joy. Through my persistent questioning regarding troublesome aspects of my own life, I have cultivated effective techniques to guide myself in learning how to recognize, examine and transform the beliefs I hold that cause suffering in my life. Love, gratitude, and surrender to what is, is the key to living a life in flow.