Pearls of wisdom I receive by going within and asking.


Focusing on What I Want

I can seriously change the quality of my life by focusing on what I WANT rather than on what I DON'T want. What I put my attention on expands and so focusing on what I'd like to see manifest rather than on what is dissatisfying to me, puts me in the proper frame of mind to change the general quality of my life from negative to positive.


Out of Alignment

When I feel out of alignment with inner peace in any way, or have a judgment about myself or another, I use the ancient Hawaiian technique of Ho'oponopono to realign myself. The technique is to focus on whatever it is I'm judging or having a problem with, and say to myself: "I'm sorry, forgive me, thank you, I love you." I'm sorry and forgive me is asking Existence or my True Self to forgive me (the egoic separate self) for thinking erroneous thoughts, which have caused my misalignment with peace. Thank you and I love you is then offering love and gratitude to my True Self. This always makes me feel better and helps me let go of my judgment. This not only reminds me that I'm responsible for any feelings I have about any particular circumstance, but also allows me to substitute a positive mantra for a negative complaint. The energy I radiate out into the world is a result of the thoughts I cultivate. Whether I am judging myself, a friend, or a world situation, my judgmental thoughts create an energetic vibration which either radiates love and healing if my thoughts are loving or aggravates the situation if my thoughts are condemning and fearful.


Independence Day

When I let go of concern for what others think of me and express myself truthfully in each moment, I feel free. Today is Independence Day, a day for celebrating freedom. As I practice expressing myself honestly, I become more authentic everyday.


My Own Best Friend

When I have a problem, I can be very sure that I AM the source of the problem. Whatever is bothering me has to do with my reaction. How I hear or see or feel anything is completely unique to me. It may not affect someone else at all. No matter how many people I can get to agree with me, and as much as it seems like it is coming from somewhere outside of me, nothing and no one can cause my feelings, not even if they wanted to. If I am coming from an unconscious place, my reaction is caused by my conditioning. That's the bad news. The good news is that this understanding gives me all the power to choose how I feel 100% of the time. It's really a choice of being kind, neutral, or mean to myself. Today I'm going to be my own best friend.


The Gap That Causes Our Stress

This difference between how we see ourselves and how we want to be seen by others is the gap which causes most of our stress. It's human nature to focus on our own faults and fear the outside world sees us as negatively as we see ourselves, while at the same time, wanting others to admire and think highly of us. When I notice this desire to impress others and get approval from the outside world, I can catch my intentions in that small space before I start to speak. If I stop before speaking, allow myself to just relax, I can give myself the approval I'm wanting. This feels so much better. When I come from an authentic place in all my interactions with the outside world, when I completely express my truth, all stress and tension disappears.


What I See in Others is a Mirror of Myself

The strengths I notice and admire in others are strengths I have as well, or I wouldn't notice them. We are all mirrors for one another. When I acknowledge and praise strengths in others, especially out loud, my self esteem grows. When I criticize others, my self esteem withers.

About Me

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Sausalito, California, United States
My purpose and vision is to live an authentically responsible life in alignment with my True Self, joyfully expressing my creative nature, nurturing and fostering a heart alive with wonder and awe. Meditation, tai chi, self-inquiry, reflection, therapy, and an extensive reading of Western psychology and Eastern spirituality, have helped me to develop a serious commitment to living in the moment in peace and joy. Through my persistent questioning regarding troublesome aspects of my own life, I have cultivated effective techniques to guide myself in learning how to recognize, examine and transform the beliefs I hold that cause suffering in my life. Love, gratitude, and surrender to what is, is the key to living a life in flow.